Photography – like anything else – has so many different styles. Just like if you’re shopping for clothes or even for a house, there are so many styles to choose from! It doesn’t mean that one type of photography is better than the others. It’s all about what YOU like! There’s a style for everyone! 🙂

When it comes to photography, I like to describe my style as “Joyful, Natural, & Storytelling.” I love to showcase love & connection between people. I am drawn to real life, real moments, and real emotion. Although my style isn’t completely documentary, I love when moments are uninterrupted by anything “fake”. It doesn’t mean that I don’t guide my clients & create certain moments. I absolutely do! But…I guide them in a way that eventually leads to REAL emotion and interactions. That is my goal.

Since I try to be as natural & simple as possible, I personally do not choose to use cutesy or artistic props in my work. I like to focus on the environment around us and use whatever is readily available to us.

However, there is one thing I always bring to a session, though…and that is an antique quilt (or two). I always have it so my clients will have something to sit on if we do a sitting shot. Although this can be considered a prop, it is super simple and doesn’t interrupt the natural vibe of the image.

And sometimes I will bring a chair or a stool.

Does this mean that a client is forbidden from bringing props to their session with me?!! Absolutely not! I always tell clients that – if they have something that is special that they want to incorporate – they are more than welcome to bring it! I just never require them to bring props…and I never want my clients to expect that they will have props.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as a toddler’s favorite book, a Senior’s class ring or Senior jacket. Sometimes it’s an antique quilt made by their grandmother. Sometimes, like last month, a Senior boy brought his kayak and we literally put it in a pond! haha 🙂 I wouldn’t dare tell him he couldn’t bring a kayak! He’s on the fishing team, for goodness sake!

My point is that props are not wrong! I just choose to keep my work simple and as natural as possible. If I use props, I like them to naturally fit in with the shot…such as reading a book, sitting together, cuddling on a quilt, etc. I like them to reflect who the person is and help tell their story instead of just being in the shot as “something cute”, if that makes sense. 🙂

So…if you’re one of my clients, just know that you NEVER have to bring props to your session!! You are enough! 🙂 And if we need a chair or a blanket, I’ve got you covered!!

If you’re a new photographer, don’t ever feel like you HAVE to use props if you don’t want to! Remember, they’re for some people and not for others, and that’s okay!! 🙂 However, if you love props (backdrops, toys, chalkboards, signs, etc.), then use them! There are no rules!

Thanks for being here! I hope this is helpful! Have a great weekend! 🙂
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