There was a time when I absolutely loved to blog. It was after London died. I would pour my heart out, and it was so cathartic. I blogged about losing London; about life; about healing; about my wild little boys. And then life happened, and I got too busy…and I stopped blogging. It wasn’t intentional, but part of me thought maybe I didn’t have a lot to say anymore. My grief got better. My boys got bigger. My life got busier…and I simply didn’t have time. Or – I didn’t make time.
The truth is, I love to write. I love to share and connect with others. I’m trying not to put pressure on myself as I begin this new blog. What if I can’t keep up? What if no one reads it? Instead, I want to see it as a way to connect again – to share my life again, to share my heart.
I plan to share beautiful photographs of the wonderful people I get to spend time with. I plan to share photography tips & tricks to help those of you who are interested! I also plan to share snippets of my life – my growing boys and our adventures. Most of you know that my daughter, London, passed away when she was 2 days old from a severe heart defect. If you don’t know her story, you can read it here. I plan to share parts of my grief and healing as well. Maybe you’ve never lost a child (I hope & pray you haven’t), but we all have hurts and hangups that affect our lives, and maybe my story could help you. I plan to share more of that here.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you more in the days to come! Until then, here are a few things happening right now!!
1. Spring Mini-Sessions are coming May 13! Be on the lookout for booking information!
2. I will be home for Spring Break, and I’ve decided to photograph some awesome people like you! If you’ll schedule a session for April 10-13, you get $100 off!! Contact me to book!
3. I am coaching awesome people who are starting their photography journey! If you’re ready to take your camera off auto and take images you’re proud of, I’d love to help you!! Book your coaching session here!
Thank you so much for being here! Thank you for following my journey!
Love, Ashlee

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